Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monday And We Took.................

the Twerps to the fair while mom and dad went to work. We got there about 1030 and the rides didn't start until noon so we had a little time to kill. There was a "circus" going on with audience participation. Cassidy volunteered right away and I tried to talk Trace into taking part...........he wasn't having any part of that. The kids could dress up like an animal trainer, animals, clowns, etc. The Ringmaster tried to talk me into being the "strongman" which I declined. They conned some other old fart into being the strongman and the Ringmaster still got to me and another guy...........we had to roll the 1,000 pound barbell out on the stage for the strongman to set his record. Naturally he couldn't lift it but a skinny little kid made the lift instead.

Cassidy was a leopard, she jumped through hoops of fire with the other animals, some clowns did magic tricks and it killed about 30 minutes.

Some more pictures of yesterday adventure follow.
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