Wednesday, August 22, 2007

After Leaving The Grand Canyon Area...........

we headed for Old Faithful. Stopped at the Continental Divide where we found two virtual caches. Arrived at OF. GPSr ses the first virtual cache in the area was .39 miles north. You gotta remember that the GPSr computes everything in a straight line, it doesn't take into account that we have to follow trails, nor does it indicate the elevation changes. This cache took us half-way up the side of the mountain north of OF. Of course we didn't bring our hiking sticks with least the sticks kinda give us morale support. I found an old broken branch that was better then nothing. At least we had some steps in the steeper parts of the trail. I about threw in the towel on the way up when three little greyhaired grannie ladies passed me and said "Better hurry up Sonny, the Old Geezer is going to erupt in about 10 minutes" and then they were gone. I didn't know if they had some old fart staked out at the top or what when they mentioned "Old Geezer". Never saw them again to check if they had ear to ear grins on their faces. Anyway, we made it and watched Old Faithful errupt from an entirely different prospective. The view was well worth the climb. Probably not too many people see OF from this angle. We started back down the mountain for our next cache. We shoulda spent 50 cents for a brochure of the area (or else just stole one); but, we didn't. Big mistake.

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