Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday..........And Another Day....

at the fair. Today Cassidy was showing her cow and the only thing she had to do was show up for her barn duty at 1800. Sooo...Becky and I took the twerps for another day of riding carnival rides, stuffing our faces, etc. etc. They rode rides, ate cotton candy, candy apples, baked potatoes, burgers, french fries, ice cream, pie, more ice cream, corn on the cob and I don't know what all. We took a little time out to watch the demolition derby, and belly dancers and then Becky and I watched an Elvis impersonator when we were getting ready to leave. Watched him long enough so the evening show of demolition derby started so we took Trace to watch the auto crashes while Cassidy and her Dad stood barn watch. Finally left the fair about 2100. Cassidy has one more showing tomorrow afternoon so we'll probably go back for that and then no more fair for me!

I've been trying to post some pictures of today's events (including belly dancer) but the Blog website is having problems and it won't let me post the pics. Will try another time. Later. W&B
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