Thursday, August 2, 2007

Getting Cassidy's .................

calf, Angel, ready for the fair. Wednesday and it was the day to wash up the calf, let her dry and then have a haircut. The fair starts on Friday so lottsa work to do. Fortunately Cassidy had a lot of help (yeah right)..........actually she did, as Mom and Laurie combined to show Cassidy what to do. Sure is hard work when you have to listen to 14 people telling you what to do next. Cassidy didn't seem too happy about cleaning up Angel's tail.............maybe she can talk Mom into doing that.

We all headed to the farm after work for the great cow clean up, then to the fairgrounds to pick up passes, tickets for entry, etc., etc. while the calf dried up. Some food booths were open at the fairgrounds so we all scoffed up on hamburgers, french fries, corndogs and pop. Then it was time to give Angel a haircut. A few pictures of Cassidy's preparation for the fair follow.

It made me tired just watching Cass, Mom and Laurie.
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