Monday, August 27, 2007

It's About 2115 And...............

here we sit at a Flying "J" in Sioux Falls, SD. Got the rig gassed up, our bellies full so guess we'll get some shuteye here before moseying down the road. Got about 210 miles to go to reach Glenwood, IA, where my brother lives. Will probably spend 3 or 4 days there and then leave for Branson via my old home town of Falls City, NE and the Sac and Fox Casino in Kansas.

Left Rapid City about 0930 this morning and stopped at the fabulous Wall Drug in Wall, SD. Becky was so thrilled!!!! She said she could have spent hours and many $$$$s there; however, I pointed out that all we have are the "hours" so off we go to take a side trip through the Bad Lands. Really disappointing this was cloudy, wind was gusting and the true colors of the Badlands probably didn't come out in the pictures "B" took. Everything looked washed out and dull..........or do I just remember it otherwise. Talked to my sister-in-law, who is on a bus tour with a bunch of Old Folks, yesterday and she said she'd be back to Glenwood on Wednesday. Told her where we were and she said her tour bus even stopped in Mitchell, SD for a tour of the Corn Palace. She suggested that I take Becky and I told her I wouldn't have to if I didn't tell her. After phone call ended Becky asked "tell me what?" Funny how she has this selective hearing. I finally told her about the Corn Palace and she looked it up on the internet so naturally we stopped when we arrived in Mitchell. Been there before and it's nothing to write home about. Well, guess I'll post this while I still have a wifi hookup. I thought I was going to have to pay to use the Flying J wifi but found an open signal instead. Been lucky with that this trip. Later when we get settled in a park in Glenwood. Wayne & Becky

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