Saturday, August 11, 2007

&%$##* Blogger Site Has..........

changed its procedures for adding photos to the blog. Don't know if it will work or not but will try again. Trying to add some photos from yesterday. Spent most of the day with the Twerps on rides and stuffing our faces with fair chow. I didn't think Trace would try this one ride; but, he did and then we couldn't get him off it. Did manage to catch part of a free show........belly dancers! I told "B" if the fair lasts much longer and we keep stuffing ourselves she'd have a great start on fulfilling the prerequisites for "beginning belly dancing"...........she didn't think that was too funny. Watched a bit of demolition derby and that wrapped up our fair day. Cassidy's dad shared some the barn duty (sweeping and cleaning up cow poop) and was rewarded with a coupon for a free milk shake at the dairy ice cream booth.

Today, Saturday, Cassidy had another showing with her cow so we dropped by and observed. She was in the showing with other participants from the senior and intermediate divisions and didn't place in this one; but, the experience she gained should help her in the future. She and her cow received a "Special Award" ribbon for her efforts. I think we'll avoid the fair tomorrow and start getting things ready to leave for the midwest on Tuesday. More later.....sure hope the picture makes it this time.

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