Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Everyone Traveling I-90 Has..............

to stop at Wall Drug........probably because of all the billboards and the 5 cent coffee. We asked the guy where the 5 cent coffee was and he told us and asked if I was a Vet.....yeah I say and he tells me Vets get FREE coffee. Becky bought some stuff, we took some pictures here and there. The Dino in the middle erupts with lights flashing and growls every 12 minutes. I was just sitting there when he went off and some little toddler passing by almost crapped his pants when the roars started. He'll probably be scarred for life as it took his mother some time to calm him down. Becky spent 10 minutes trying to pick up a cowboy and finally gave up. Steer wrestlers outta try buffalo wrestling some time! They got big jack rabbits here and friendly saloon ladies.

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