Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Continuing At The Fair.......................

Finally talked Becky into trying this ride where you slooowwly are hoisted to the top and then "bang", you're dropped about 60 feet until some kind of magnetic device slows you down and deposits you back on the ground. Becky said her butt never touched the seat until the brakes took hold. They spent a lot of time on a small roller coaster. All the "kids" enjoyed the swings. There was a Chevron display where they had remote controlled cars that participants could race. Trace spends too much time on video games and he handily won the race. He was rewarded with one of those little Chevron cars and was happier than a pig rolling in crap for the rest of the day. While we were racing cars Becky snuck over to the pie booth and was feeding her face..............she didn't even offer to treat the rest of us!
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