Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Caches Got Published..............

last night, as well as another one by Buzzcut39, a cacher we recently met. He told me that he placed one but wasn't sure when it was going to be published. Fortunately, they came out at the same time so that gave us the opportunity to beat The Guru to Buzzcut's cache. "JJ" started for that one first, received notification that mine had come out so he set course for it as it's a part of my challenges for "JJ". We got FTF on the Buzzcut cache and then drove out to ours. Didn't see any lights so started back and here comes a truck roaring down the road. It was Jeep'en Jumpers, he found our cache and then left his GPSr laying on the ground next to it. We exchanged quick comments and I asked him if he received notification of my other cache yet........he just looked at me, shook his head and figured it was too late for that one since I told him it was 23 miles away. Off we go into the night. Read the logs this morning and discovered that "JJ" had been beaten to my other cache by 4 others. "JJ" has always been a "marked man" because he will drop everything to become the first to find a new cache. Now, there's a lot of other folks giving him a race to be the "first"; but, darn he's still winning. I've placed 14 caches in about 5 days and he's found 9 of them first. We've got a friendly contest going......sorta like a couple of kids trying to see who can pee the highest up the side of a wall! We both enjoy the gamesmanship.

Today we just went out and tried to find a few caches......believe we found six. Pics show the night cache we found last night and today we met some newbies looking for one of ours so gave them a hint and we went on our way, found one down by a canal and another in a rock/cactus garden. Came back to Yuma and spent a lot of time looking around a tree in a parking lot....finally figured out that I had parked over the cache. This turkey attached a small capsule to a rod that holds the parking barrier in place. Actually, a very nice hide. We then found an old fashioned playground, no trees, no grass, no nothing which was kinda neat. Visitors are invited to bring a rock from their home state and place it in the park. Lastly, we visited a monument west of Yuma in California. It marked the site of a training area for Gen. Patton. We finally found the cache, which had been placed by another friend, sandwiched in the wall. I don't know how this guy finds these places but around here he's known as the Master of Camouflage. Also, he usually takes you to places where there's a view or a bit of history.

Got home and had some emails from Jeep'en Jumpers. He has his own personal geocaching coins and asked us if we would like to have one. Dumb question, we broke our necks telling him "YES". He transferred the coin to us and we'll pick it up on Saturday if we don't cross paths before then. I considered it quite an honor, he said we will be only the 7th ones that he has ever transferred complete control of his coins to. Since Becky is into the coin collecting she is very happy with this one.

We're having fun now! Later. Wayne & Becky

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