Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's Day And We Still Had......................

had some more caches to place. Drove East from where we are and planted one near an old museum, stuffed it inside an old glove I found. We continued on into the hills, drove the ridges and we found another spot near an old cactus with a view of the lettuce fields. Then we started looking for some caches as we were looking for placement sites. Our search led us to the North side of one of the canals and we drove for miles (I mean miles!) and couldn't find a way to cross back to the civilization side of the canal. We did find a couple of caches, one belongs to a friend, La84fishn,........he's noted for stashing itty bitty micros and camouflaging them to blend in...this one was a rolled up log, with a micro pencil, stuffed inside one of those in-line automotive fues holders. Actually didn't take long to find cause I have a pretty good idea of what to look for on his. I'm going to offer him a big ammo box to hide........he'll have no idea how to disguise it! We kept following the canal and had many views of this peak, so "B" had to take pictures of it even though we never got too close to it. We did manage to place a couple of our caches out there in the hills, I'm not even sure we'll be able to find them again but these old, local, Yuma Desert Vermin will probably have no problems with them since they know the countryside. Back to town, found a cache in the bed of an old wagon, had a late lunch at the casino, which ended up costing us about triple for the lunch.......oh well, easy come easy go, expect it doesn' arrive quite that easy.

It was getting late and we drove into the desert again bout 4 miles north of our abode and that's where our evening adventure started. The last picture shows me picking up a log in the bough of a nearly dead tree. That's when the fun started.....I had disturbed a bee hive and boy were those bees pissed. I yelled for Becky to get out of there, dropped my cache and started to battle the bees, Becky was a little ways away and was OK until one bee found her....and that brought a little squadron of the bees after her. I made it to the car, found some anti-mosquito spray, sprayed that all over my head, arms and shirt, sprayed Becky down and the attack subsided a bit, at least enough for us to get into the car, killed a few more in the car and then headed for the urgency clinc about 5 miles away. The last time I got stung, it was a yellow jacket and my arm swelled up from my shoulder to my wrist so I was a little concerned. Becky said she never had a reaction to bee stings. Got to the clinc, they ran us right in, zapped me and "B" both with benedryl injections and then they gave me an epi injection. They pulled over 100 stingers off my face, neck, arms and hands and maybe 15-20 off Becky. Score, about 120 to 0! They were concerned about me and highly recommended that I go to the hospital. I finally said OK and since we both had injections they wouldn't allow Becky to follow in the car and called an ambulance for me so we both rode the ambulance. The clinc said the hospital would give us a voucher to take a taxi back to pick up our car. (We found out NOT!! and it cost $24.00 for the taxi after we left the hospital) Spent several hours in the hospital while they monitored me, during which time I barffed, developed almost instant diahrrea, finally saw the doctor who ordered another injection and said normally she would keep me longer but since everything had pretty much calmed down she let me go.

Don't feel bad at all today, they gave me a prescription for a bee sting kit, so guess I should fill that. I never developed any breathing problems so guess I don't have the violent bee sting least not yet.

Now, gotta go back to the scene of the action, I dropped my cache container and still need to place it, somewhere else, plus I lost my little cheater glasses and my prescription sun glasses. Maybe I'll take a can of gasoline for a little revenge!!!

Well breakfast time and then back to the desert. Later, W&B

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