Tuesday, November 27, 2007


and we started the day by taking Rhino down to the local Yamaha shop to have the new doors and grab bar installed. Going to use it on Saturday and Sunday we might take it up to Glamis to go hunting for Geocaches. Jeep'en Jumpers also has a Rhino and we're trying to make some plans to up there on Sunday. There are a ton of caches planted in the sand dunes so outta be fun if we can make it. Yesterday I went down to check on a cache that I placed to stump "JJ" since another guy went down there in the night and couldn't find anything. However, three others did find it before "JJ" did so that made the work worthwhile. A few posts ago I think there's a picture of me with my hand in a wall.........eventually placed the cache on top of the little structure inside a metal pipe. Used a magnet to hold it in place. A young school teacher climbed up there the night before and found it. Old farts like me don't stand a chance with this one........I used a ladder to place it but "JJ" scrambled up the side of the wall after I gave them some hints. Yesterday we went out and placed a micro capsule in a tree. It should give people problems, mainly cause I had to stand in the back of the Suzuki to place it. The area was a memorial of sorts to some dude named Ciro Cabrera.....will have to see if I can find some info on him. We found an Arizona style snow man on the way to the cache. Today we went into the desert east of casa to place another challenge cache. The two caches are located about 23 miles apart so when they are published it should cause the Guru some problems in deciding which direction to go. I placed a little capsule inside an old kitchen faucet that I found at the site.......it's under the brush and you can't see it in the picture. This particular bush has long, sharp thorns so I used my walking stick and placed a decoy in the middle of the bush. No way to get to it without impaling oneself. It's in plain sight.......just out of reach. I'll probably get keelhauled for that one when other cachers catch up to me! To use up the last photo I've included a picture of a benchmark that Becky found.

Well, it's now dark, very dark and I'm waiting to see if my caches get published tonight........if so, there'll be nuts going out to hunt them down. Opps..just got an email that informed me the caches are in the system, not published yet, but the reviewer is a bit of a sadist too as he likes to publish them late at night. They still might make it before the evening is over.

That's about it for AZ...........later. W&B

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