Sunday, November 25, 2007

Geocaching Today.....What Else?...........

we had a couple of milestones to reach so went out today to get 'em done. Becky was at 999 finds and we drove out to a new one to make it her 1,000. I finished the day at 999. We get home and another new cache pops up just a little over 2 miles away. We were late spotting it on the computer so got a late start but out the door we flew. Arriving at ground zero we saw this big old white truck sitting there.........the Local Caching Guru, "JJ" and Mrs. "JJ" were there first. He had about 8 miles to drive but he gets instant notification on his Blackberry. It's hard to beat him to any local cache. Another friend, La84fishn, showed up while Becky and "JJ" were digging through all the cache goodies. We had a nice visit and then drifted away into the night. This was my #1000 find and we received a nice Geo Coin for being second.

Saw some new countryside today, we had been in the area before but were just passing through so today we took a little time to explore and tried to grab some easier caches that didn't require a hike up a mountainside. I also bought a six foot ladder just so I could place a cache to try and stump the Guru.....well, I NEEDED the ladder anyway. Cache is in place and waiting to be published. When it comes out I might drive down and hope to catch the Guru hunting for it. Would make my day if he can up with a "no find".

The collage shows part of our day, we saw this little wild burro staring at us from a hillside so had to take a picture of him. More very cold here, don't think it made it much past 70 today!! W&B

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