Tuesday, November 6, 2007


We got up early today (early for us) and took a quick trip to Mexico. "B" got her teeth cleaned, some warranty work on a tooth filling, picked up some meds and back across the border. Didn't even stop for a fish taco.......will wonders ever cease. The old injuns enlarged their parking area, about double, and it's nicely paved. They also raised their parking prices from $3.00 to $5.00!! The attendant was very defensive when I mentioned the rate increase. Next time I'll tell her she should demand a wage increase. We might have to go to Mexico one more time before the hordes of "winter visitors" arrive. Right now no lines to cross the border and no crowds...........no crowds in Yuma either for that matter. Wish those damn late visitors would stay home!

After returning from Mexico we stopped at a Yuma Clinic, I'm still trying to see a doctor who might be able to help with my knee problem, gave them all insurance information and they said they would call me; however, they will be closed for the rest of the week. Business must be good for the rehumatologist.

After that we turned on the old GPSr and began hunting for a few caches. Think we found six of them today. Had lunch at the casino, lost $7.00 and Becky won $5.00 and one lunch was "free" so we didn't do to bad there. Sure does get dark quickly. So far we are the only rigs in the lot. We'll probably have company after Thanksgiving.

Here's a couple of pictures of our day's adventure. We had to hunt for information in the Yuma Prison Graveyard to get information to find a cache. The cache had a decoy, a rubber snake attached to a lid.......I should have let Becky find this one. Later. W&B

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