Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday Rolled Around.....................

so thought we'd go out and find breakfast. Started for the Cracker Barrel, mid morning and there must have been 25 people waiting around outside waiting for their names to be called. Cracker Barrel has pretty good chow..........but not that good. Guess I'll have to take "B" back during a week day. Just down the road was Penny's Diner, a real greasy spoon that has "OK" gravy so we ambled a little further down the road and ended up at the Golden Correl. Buffet on Saturday so I managed to eat "all I could eat". Wasn't too bad and the price is right. Got ready to leave and checked the GPSr and Palm and off we went to hunt down some geocaches. Checked again for one we couldn't find last year after we talked to the owners and he said he went back and couldn't find it himself so replaced it was a film cannister. He did everything but draw a map so we went back.........I crawled around in the bushes, got impaled by sharp branches (again) and still couldn't find it. Back on my "to hell with it list". Found some more caches that were easy to locate and then we went after an "unknown" cache. Found some little markers that were supposed to lead us to the next point and did alright until we looked for the final location. Made a "call a friend help line call" and we finally determined that the cache had been muggled. Reported it as a no find and submitted a log entry that said the "cache sucked". I think I kinda pissed off the owner; but, he said any one line entries would be deleted so I made some succinct comments! Oh well, you sometimes gotta have a sense of humor.

A new cache just popped up on the computer near the Proving Grounds. About 15 miles away.........we're deciding if we want to look for it or's 2255! ???
Might have a chance to beat the local caching guru since he's going out early in the morning. Decisions, decisions. Here's a collage of our day's adventures.

Later, W&B

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