Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Yeah, But It's A Dry Heat....................

........someone is trying to tell me. 91.6 is still 91.6 to me! Weather forecast for the weekend looks good though, 80 on Saturday and maybe even 79 on Sunday. I can handle that kind of weather. Sort of a non-productive day today, did a few domestic chores and then I spent most of the day getting nine geocaches ready to place. Got the easy part I have go out into the desert/town/or where ever to place them. One of the local cachers in Yuma is sitting in his office with a Blackberry so he gets instant notification when a new cache is placed and then he's off to be the First To Find. I intend to place the caches in all directions, have them published at the same time and then see how many he can get to first. Should be interesting as the competition to be "First" is heating up with the arrival of more visitors. Haven't taken the Rhino out yet, as a matter of fact, it's still sitting on the trailer; but, we're only a few blocks from the desert so I gotta get it running and start exploring. We're about 1/2 mile from the entrance to the Barry Goldwater Bombing Range and we got our range permits so are ready to go.

Will post this and then got some stuff to do outside........on the shady side of the M/H! Later. W&B

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