Saturday, November 3, 2007

In El Centro At The..............

NAF, El Centro, CA. Arrived here yesterday afternoon and thought we’d spend a couple of days here before moving on to Yuma on Sunday. COSTCO here and we’ll check out the Exchange and Commissary while we have the opportunity.

When we left Bakersfield we ran into a lot of hazy smoke that was still lingering here and there, but no evidence of CA fires. Guess we were too far East. We decided to drop down to the Salton Sea area since we haven’t been there before. Found a casino near Salton City and managed to escape there without losing our shirts. Since we were “new suckers” they gave us $10.00 each to gamble with. Gave that back to them and then we left to tour Salton City. Way back when, early 90s I think, Sonny Bono was elected to Congress and revitalization of the Salton Sea area became his pet project. I guess they envisioned a high class resort area being built there. Well, Old Sonny did a head plant with a tree while skiing and with his death the Salton Sea project also died. Lottsa for sale signs scattered about and they have some real nice street signs erected; but, little else. We just drove through and didn’t even take any pictures. The Official Photographer learned that it’s a little difficult to drive the Suzuki and take pictures at the same time.

We’re headed into El Centro to do a little shopping so will update when we arrive and get settled in Yuma. W&B

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