Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well....We Decided To Go...............

look for the cache. It was about 17 miles up the road and when we arrived I saw a car already parked there..........these people are absolutely CRAZY. We hadn't been there very long, introduced ourselves, and started looking. A few minutes later one of the other cachers said "I got it!" I was rather glad he found it 'cause we coulda been there a looonnng time looking for it. The cache was published at 2241 and he signed the log at 2330 and we signed it a minute later. I mentioned that I wasn't going to log it until tomorrow morning. He thought that was a good idea so there'll probably be a string of crazies racing to be "first" in the morning. We'll probably be called some bad names. Love it! At least another FTF was stolen from the local guru. Got home at midnight. Time for night night.

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