Saturday, December 1, 2007


Saturday evening to be more precise and nothing going new caches, no races to be FTF.......rather "oh hum" last couple of days. Today was the big CITO (Cache In Trash Out) event. An area south west of Yuma is in dire need of's become a dump area and a bunch of organizations were going to get together and try to remove a lot of the eye sore on public land. However, the rains came last night, the winds came last night, the whole area was under flash flood watch. Wind and rain knocked my MTV off line as well as the internet dish. Old M/H was rocking and rolling (from the wind of course) and it continued until wee hours of the morning. The CITO was cancelled yesterday afternoon.......which didn't make me unhappy. So today we moved from one RV lot to another. Finally got most everything set up about 1400, went to the Commissary and then I tried to get the Rhino ready to go to Glamis tomorrow morning. "JJ" and another guy are taking his Rhino, we're taking ours and another couple are going to join us in their Jeep. There's about 30 caches in the Glamis dunes and "JJ" said there's at least 19 that he hasn't looked for so that's our plans for tomorrow. Meet for breakfast about 0830 and then make the 70 or so miles to Glamis. "JJ" was going to haul our Rhino, thought it would fit on his 16 feet flatbed.......two Rhino won't fit. Bummer. Changed the tires to the paddles so believe we're about ready to go.

Found one new cache near the "Peanut Patch" on Friday. I planted a new cache about 1,000 feet away from La84fishn's RV Park, had it published at rush hour on Thursday and "JJ" still beat La84fishn to it! I even tried to call La84fishn to let him know that it was answer. Larry was shooting pool in his RV rec room......probably the only time he left home without his phone. "JJ" had to detour via back roads to get there because of the traffic situation and still beat him! Took a few pictures the last couple of days so will post them. This is the tree at the Peanut Patch where the cache was hidden, we went in for ice cream and fudge and took a pic of the manager and cashier. The manager of the PP gave permission to place the cache on the property.....then he failed to tell the store owner. Kinda embarassing for a couple of the guys who went looking in the wee hours of the morning. "B" took the guy's pictures after he admitted to his failure to inform the "Boss". Placed our cache on a busy intersection near Larry's RV Park. If the weather is good tomorrow we should have some good pics from the Glamis Sand Dunes. Later. W&B

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