Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Evening..................

and we're trying to stay warm......don't think the temperature made it above 63 degrees today! Burrrr!! Been slowing down the last couple of days. Tuesday we were still searching for a place to put my final cache in the latest series. Drove out to Ligurta for breakfast, first time we made it there this year. It's been cleaned up a bit (only saw one fly), coffee still 5 cents, with a meal purchase, and gravy about a 7.5......not too shabby actually. We planted the cache about 1/4 miles east of the restaurant so I'll have an excuse to go back and stop at the restaurant when I check on the cache. Tuesday night I was playing on the computer shortly after 2300 when a new cache showed up on the screen. Decisions, decisions....I knew I wouldn't be up early enough for it on Wednesday morning so got dressed and drove east of here about 7 miles. Got the FTF and just as I was starting back to the car some voices and flashlights came over the hill. Surprise, surprise.....The Blood Hound Gang went for the FTF also and I beat them by just a few minutes. Had a nice gotta be nuts to be chatting in the desert after midnight....and went home to find "B" still snoozing away. At least I beat JJ to this one and it was worth it.

Wednesday, my cache was published. Received a call from Magimark asking for help. I finally figured out that I had made an error in my coordinates and he was about 1/2 mile from where he should have been. Told him I'd meet him at the restaurant and get him pointed in the right direction. Becky and I drove out and by then "JJ" had arrived on the scene too. Also called La84fishn 'cause I knew he'd be on his way too and gave him some new information. Magimark was supposed to be home "sick", actually he didn't look too spry, but he had figured out the puzzle to my cache and away he went to find it. He and JJ went hunting for the cache.......I tried to make this one as "evil" as I could. They spent about 30 minutes trying to find it and JJ finally did. Becky was taking pictures as they were hunting. Shortly after they found it La84fishn shows up so we all sat and chuckled while he spent about 30 minutes searching. Very'd have to be addicted to caching and been then to observe the pain we try to inflict on each other. It was good for a lot of chuckles.

This morning we made a speed run to Mexico......I needed some meds that haven't arrived in the mail yet........problem is, this anti-inflamation medicine isn't available in Mexico. Heck, couldn't figure this out, they have about everything else. Stopped at the Commissary on the way home and picked up some goodies. We're driving over to the Salton Sea area tomorrow to go caching with L84fishn and another cacher. We hope to add about 40 new finds to our list.....probably won't but they are all within a reasonable area in the desert. Hopefully, we have some new pictures by day's end tomorrow.

Posting some pictures of the hunt for my new cache, and then Larry and Becky went out to sign in on the cache I had found at midnight. Later, W & B

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