Saturday, December 15, 2007

Well We Made It To Saturday..................

and survived our day at Borrego Springs on Friday. We left Yuma at 0700 (the sun isn't even up yet) and headed West to California near the Salton Sea area. Larry (La84fishn), Wayne (beagle39z), Crzoldy and myself found our first cache on the main highway. Gonna be a "piece of cake today" we thought. We then headed into the desert, paved and gravel roads ended and were replaced by sand. We found an old airplane graveyard and guess it's still active and selling parts. Can't figure out who the heck would buy parts that old but guess there's a market somewhere. In the center picture Becky is holding a cache, the map shows it on the corner of two "streets" (??) in a thriving metropolis. We entered Anza Borrego Desert State Park and roads became trails. The map shows us going to Old Kane Road. Larry keeps telling us that we should make pretty good time through this stretch.....of course he hasn't ever been here either. We continued along Kane Road picking up caches here and there. You'd think that there are plenty of rocks out here to hide a cache; but, apparently not enough. Someone made a fake rock and stuffed an ammo can inside of it. Go figure. We spent a lot of time at the San Diego Geocacher sign but never found the cache. We reported a no find and received an email from the owner saying that wind and blowing sand probably covered it up. That was the only one we didn't find today.

Headed to Borrego Springs and we were directed to this two story building that was completely trashed. We poked around a bit and finally came to the conclusion that the cache was located on the second floor. Larry, being the tallest, backed his car up to the building and was finally able to reach the cache. I advised him to just "throw it way back in the corner" for the next guy. He opted to be a nice guy and replaced it where he found it.

Next cache took us up the side of a mountain (hill ??). Here we were supposed to be able to see the rock/mountain formation that ressembled an Old Indian. Everyone else spotted it but for the life of me I couldn't see it. Becky took a bunch of pictures of the mountain and if you can see the Old Indian in the rock formation you're seeing much more that I could.

Left Borrego Springs and headed toward Salton City looking for caches on the way. We had been climbing up and down hills all day long and my old knees where getting petty worn out; but, the end was in sight. Found an old bridge to nowhere and the last caches were located along side some power lines. We initially had a list of 41 caches, we passed on one that required a considerable hike into the desert, didn't find another one and the last one was stashed alongside the highway on the way back to El Centro. Unfortunately we couldn't get it 'cause no one wanted to wiggle through a five strand barb wire fence.

All in all, a pretty good caching day with 38 finds. Our best day ever. I think we put nearly 300 miles on the car so we averaged about 8 miles per cache.

Today, Saturday, we took it easy, found one new cache that had been placed while we were gone, planted a new one that finally got published about 2300 tonight. Just got an email from Larry saying he and 3 others were searching for my new cache for about a hour and it got too cold so he gave it up. Guess he'll try again in the daylight.

Here's a few pictures of our Friday adventure. W&B

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