Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Only Seven More Shopping...................

days until Christmas!!! Don't forget to send gas money. Things have kinda slowed down the last couple of days. Had to see the arthritis doc yesterday and today to get injections in both knees. Starting a series of 5 injections for each knee and hopefully that'll fix me up for a while. They are helping so that's good news. Monday, after Dr. visit, we went to the casino to collect our Old Folks $10.00 each. Gambled it away and I was about $13.00 ahead but not smart enough to quit so ended up losing a dollar. On the way back over the bridge we saw Frank and Sue's Suzuki in a parking lot where we have two caches planted. Drove in and waited for them to find the caches. After that we went back to the casino so they could collect their $10.00 Old Folks money. Frank ended up winning $51.40 and Suzannah finally quit about $4.00 ahead. Naturally Becky and I played some more and this time I quit $4 ahead and Becky won about $30.00 so we headed for Burgers 'n Beer to have lunch. Frank was the big winner so he sprang for lunch. They just reopened the joint after being closed 3 weeks for remodeling. Food still good; but, the joint lost its atmosphere! Oh well, they can seat more people and that's what it's all about.

Last night about 2245 a new cache popped up on the computer and it was only about 4 blocks away....... we had to get dressed and go looking for it. We got there first, another guy showed up, we couldn't locate it, two more people showed up and one of them spent about 2 minutes there and found the cache! Just then another couple showed up. We shot the breeze for about 25 minutes and then went our separate ways. Fortunately it wasn't very cold last night.

I planted a new cache a couple of days ago and this one made the peoples work for it.........I think they were ready to start throwing rocks at me. Pictures are of me placing the cache. The same guy who found the cache last night also found mine about midnight on Saturday. Don't know if it was dumb luck or what but finding that in the middle of the night is pretty darn good. Last night the cache we were looking for was the same size as mine!

Went out and drove around in the desert today and placed two more caches. Just found out that our reviewer/published was caching on Saturday, had a mishap and he had to be carried down from a mountain side. Don't know exactly what had happened but he was having an operation on his leg this afternoon. Caching isn't for SISSIES..........unless you're like us and stick to the paved roads. Guess my new caches won't be published for awhile.

We're in for the night...........unless something pops up on the computer and that's very unlikely given that the reviewer is in the hospital.

Guess I'll settle in for an evening watching the tube. Temperature, I think, made it to 70 today!! Later W&B

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