Thursday, December 20, 2007

Some Pics Of The Last Couple Of Days..................

Frank and Suz at one of our caches the other day. A cache came out late at night about 3 blocks away so off we went. We had a small mini-event going that night with us, Sly B Bro, Rosefaery, Buzzcut, Rainbirds + TBD. TBD is the Rainbirds little blind dog. He goes with them where ever they go. The cache was a itty bitty capsule stuck to the side of a building, you can just barely see it in the picture. We spent about 25 minutes just shooting the breeze after Sly B Bro made the find. Funny how cachers never seem to know the real names of fellow cachers; but, can remember people from their handles!

I had two caches published early this morning and the pictures were taken when we placed them. I found this old hulk in the desert, stuffed a capsule inside the hose and then hooked the hose to another one in the engine compartment. Just gotta make use of whatever you find at the location. My ears were ringing all morning long.....guess it must have been from comments from the ones who found this cache today. They were ready to throw rocks at me. The "Great Guru" made a first to find on both of these; but, he phoned me and said he was about ready to quit on the old car hulk. Two other caches came out during the day, one we had to solve a puzzle.........but we never came up with the right answer. Our caching bud, La84fishn, correctly solved the puzzle so we joined in on the find later in the afternoon. It was under the little rock that was glued to a container. We got our weekly First to Find, number 18, just before we left to meet Frank and Suz for dinner. Becky found it and scoffed up on the $5.00 reward for FTF. Sun was setting as we headed home.

About 2030 another cache came out; however, it's located up in the mountains that might require some ridge driving to get'll wait until daylight.

Temperature warmed up today, think it made it into the 70s........Brrrr.....that's still kinda chilly!!!!

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