Sunday, December 23, 2007

End of Day Sunday.............

and we got a late start this morning. Some new caches were published late last night and we just said to heck with them. One was about 19 miles up the road and the other one looked like it would take several hours to complete as it would have us driving all over Yuma. Nothing simple. We took in a movie this afternoon, Charlie Wilson's War" or something like that. At least it kept me awake all the way through it. Started to go to the casino when we realized that tomorrow was Old Folks Day and we would be going down to collect our free $10.00 so drove on by and finally ended up near the Army Proving Grounds. This put us close to a new geocache so we went out there to pick it up. We had found it earlier but it was moved since it was too close to the Border Patrol check point so we could find it again and log another find. It's all about the "numbers", well for some it is. I laughed my butt off when we passed through the check point, the officer asked where we were going and I glanced at my GPSr and said "about 3/4 mile up the road". "Geocachers" he said, "that's my cache you're going after". We shot the breeze for a minute and proceeded on our way. I was almost rolling on the floor laughing because "JJ" had made a complaint about the cache being too close to the Border Check Point and the Geocaching Administrator made him move it. It was owned by a Border Patrol Officer. Later in the evening we saw "JJ" and I told him the cache owner who had to move his cache was a Border Patrolman who worked at that station. "Oh Shit!" was all he could say. I'm still chuckling when I think of it.

We got home and about 30 minutes later another new cache was published. It was downtown about 13 miles away..........we weren't doing anything so we left to hunt it down. Took us about 20 minutes to get there and two cachers were already looking but hadn't found it. We started looking and about 10 minutes later "JJ" shows up. Another few minutes and Becky shouts "I think I found it". Yep, she shore did. Joy reins throughout the Yuma area as we beat "JJ" for a FTF!!

Publishing some pics of our days activity. Moon was coming up as we headed home.

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