Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting A Few Pics.....................

of recent that Geocaching I guess. We finally got rid of our colds, sniffles, sneezes, grey hair, aches and pains and set out to check on my local caches before the Event on Feb 10. On the way we upped Fo and Suz's "numbers". They made it past the 600 find mark at some point but I don't remember which one it was. Fo was window peeping and then found a cache encased in a light bulb. Then they did a little gardening on someone's yard and came up with the find in a spray nozzle. Found one in an old junk car in the desert and then they spent a good amount of time finding a cache around this power pole. The guy hid six decoys there and it took a little while but Sue came up with the cache. It was velcroed inside the fake electrical outlet.

We moved on to the Barry Goldwater Bombing range where they found a new cache and then discovered mine in a pile of rocks and another hanging in a tree. We muddled around in more rocks, found one in a clump of trees and then went on to the Yuma Territorial Prison where one was stashed behind the prison. It was located next to the rear of the infamous "Dark Cell" where inmates were chained to the floor in a dark cave for screwing up while in prison. Some old fart has made up a bunch of "puzzle" caches which are driving us nuts. I thought I had the combination to the padlock at the "mailbox cache". It didn't work so back to the drawing board and we'll try it another time. More rocks and we finally found some water at "Dee's Fishing Hole" was was located on the canal. Quite a bit of wildlife here and apparently lottsa fish to be caught.

Back to the mountains and rocks!! Found a spot waaayyyy up on this hill and Fo made like a mountain goat to get to the top. Sue's knee apparently doing OK as she made it nearly to the top. I did well to get the car turned around in a wide spot. No way I could have made it to the top and Becky's excuse is "I'm the photographer". I couldn't watch Suz climb back down as it was pretty steep here.

That was the last of the rocks for awhile and we wound up the day on level ground and searching for drive-by caches. Our trek took us to the Army Proving Grounds and after finding a magnetic in the fence post we made our last stop at one of the big guns guarding the entrance to the Proving Grounds. Sue finally spotted the cache and Frank had to crawl under the gun to retrieve it.

End of a couple of days of "Fun In The Sun". Oh yeah, Frank O purchased lunch both days!!!

Today the wind was really blowing and stirring up the sand. Becky and I went out and finished placing some more caches for the upcoming event. Stopped by the Kofa KOOP and while "B" and Sue visited Frank and I went out and planted the last two caches. Glad that little task is over with.

More later if weather improves.

How about them Giants!!!! WooHoo!!! W&B

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