Saturday, February 23, 2008

Made It Through Saturday................

Not much going on Thursday except domestics, laundry, rig clean up and even washed the Suzuki. Friday we went to early dinner with Sue and Frank and then hibernated. All four of us were going out to the bombing range today but Suz and Fo had company so we postponed until tomorrow. Another guy I know called up and said he was going out to look for "Oops" a cache about 20 miles in the bombing range desert. We hadn't been in that area so I told him we'd tag along. He showed us the roads to take to get into the area so we'll be better prepared for tomorrow. The Oops cache was about 1/2 mile off the road and after walking in we spent close to an hour digging around the wreckage of a drone aircraft. Never found the cache. Don drove on back to Wellton and Becky and I continued to explore the desert. Got within .4 of a mile from another cache but it involved some climbing into the mountains so we might try that tomorrow. Better to have more people with you when you venture into some of those areas. We even found a "beacon" in the desert where you can push a red button and the Border Patrol will come looking for you if you're lost or in trouble. There are numerous such beacons scattered throughout the area. Kinda nice to know there's help available if needed. Founds numerous 50 cal. shell casings and remains of ordnance. Nope, that's not the remains of a SAM, think it was a smoke bomb of sorts. The drone wreckage was quite interesting and mostly intact. At least all the pieces seemed to be a small area. Must not have crashed too hard as it didn't disintegrate. The cache we're trying to find tomorrow is at the crash site of an F-14 and I'm told the plane burned but a lot of the wreckage is still there. Should be interesting if we can get to it.

Posting a few pics of today's adventure. W&B

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