Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Buttercup Area Imperial Sand Dunes

Finally made it out to the sand dunes today with Fo, Suz and Guy and Susann, a couple who live a door down and own an Artic Cat. Got outta here about 0930 and made the quick trip to Buttercup. Unloaded and away we went. There were about 12 or 14 caches that we wanted to find so combined dune riding and cache hunting. Guy and Susann had never been geocaching so we gave them an introduction and believe they enjoyed the hunt. Suz started out driving, see first pic, in no time at all it was "Look, no hands"! Things degraded after that but we found a few caches and rumbled over some dunes. I drove the Suzuki and managed to get around quite well. When Suzannah finally turned the Rhino wheel over to Frank he and Becky headed for a new cache site. About every 50 yards there are signs that mark a "closed area". LARGE SIGNS!! We told them, LOOK that is a CLOSED AREA!! Frank drove down the line about a hundred yards and then made a 90 degree left turn right into the closed area. We shouted, honked the horn but didn't follow them...........after all we could read; but, more importantly I didn't want to get a $500.00 ticket for violating the closed area signs. The cache was about 2 1/2 miles away, in a straight line, so we took the legal route. Last we saw of the rookies was when they disappeared over the edge of a large dune. We found the cache, waited for a loooong time for Fo and Beck and they never showed. We finally decided to head back to where we left the trailer. Upon arrival...........no Frank or Becky. I drove over to the fee collection site in the event it was still open.............it's manned by the local sheriff and we figured we have to call out the guard to go out and find the "rookies". No sheriff but we found Becky and Frank seeking out the restroom. That about ended our day in the dunes. Guy and Susann headed for El Centro and we loaded up and drove back to Yuma. Sat and relaxed for a bit and found that a new cache had been published and was about 2 miles away. Frank and Suz were headed home so we all took a trip into the desert to look for the cache. Finally Frank found it............it was placed near a pile of concrete debris and after Suz turned over every piece of concrete we were about to call it quits. Frank kept picking up a piece of concrete and said it "bugged him". I told him to throw it away then. He did, the concrete landed in the sand, hit a buried rock and exposed the cache glued to the underside of the rock! I suppose you could call that a "lucky find". We signed and log and went our separate ways. This was Becky's 1,200 find.

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