Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finally Made It To Sunday....................

as this was the weekend for the Yuma Geocaching Event #5 put on by Jeep'en Jumpers and crew. We were invited to help out with this year's event and have been busier then a one-armed paper hanger the last couple of days. Great fun and it was all well worth it. Becky and I and L84fishn placed 16 new caches in the area just for the event. Friday morning the reviewer started publishing them and the fun began. I spent all day Friday just watching the computer as caches were published and people were racing to be the First To Find. Frank and Suz were among the "searchers". The reviewer has a sadistic streak in him and he published caches that were far, far apart and would only publish 2 or 3 at a time. Those people with instant notification, i.e. Blackberries, probably drove a whole bunch of miles, as did Fo and Suz. Sue would give us a call for updates, we'd feed them coordinates and they managed to find all 16 before day's end. I even think that had 5 FTFs!

Saturday morning Becky and I made the tour to replenish caches, check to see if they were still OK and log them for ourselves. We knew where the caches were, knew the most direct routes and it still took us several hours to complete them. Of course, we met cachers in our travels, had to stop and shoot the breeze, etc. etc. but finally finished them up. From our abode to all the caches and return we drove 87 miles. This was the third time we made the rounds. Spent my whole social security check on gas!

Saturday evening we showed up at Lute's Casino for a Warm Up Event. Probably close to a 140 people showed up for that one. We finally received our Travel Bug Tags in the mail so stopped at S&F's and Fo attached the tag to Becky's Walking Stick that Frank had carved. Received many Ohs and Ahs and there were several wood carvers at the Event who proclaimed Frank's work as really something special. All that and he just started carving last summer in Colorado! Oh, by the way, Frank bought dinner for all of us..........Becky wanted to buy but Fo would have nothing of that!

Today we showed up about 0830 at the Gateway Park for today's Event that was supposed to start about 1000. Busy, busy and finally lunch was served about noon. As always, the tri-tip and fixens were outstanding. Prizes were awarded for cache finds, drawings were held, some very nice prizes were given away at the Poker Run and it seems that everyone had a super day under 78-80 degree weather with a slight breeze. Perfect day. Posting some pictures of Saturday night and today.

I'm beat, gonna hit the shower and then the hay. Big day tomorrow, free money for old folks at the casino day!


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