Saturday, February 16, 2008


and we've spent the last two days just being lazy. Friday was a windy and cooler day so did our domestic chores..........laundry and cleaning up the rig. Frank and Sue were cleaning up some caches in the area but we opted to stay home mainly because of the wind. Today was a super day weatherwise, just a slight breeze and I think the temperature settled in about 74 or so, not too warm and not too cool. A new cache popped up on the computer this morning and since Becky already had her FTF Fix for the week we were in no hurry to go after it. When we finally did leave to go find it we found 4 other cachers milling around a piece of concrete in the desert with a pipe and PCV pipes sticking out of it. The name was "Mole in the Hole". We could look into the smaller pipe and with a flashlight we spotted "something" in the hole. We tried magnets, that didn't work since it wasn't metal. Nothing anyone had with them would let us retrieve the object in the pipe so we all finally left the area. Becky and I went back later with some duct tape and managed to fish out a plastic pill bottle from the pipe. It turned out to be the cache so "B" got another FTF, her/our #30. I think the other cachers were a little miffed that we got credit for it since we arrived after they did; however, we were the ones to finally retrieve it and first to sign the log so guess the FTF belonged to us. Didn't do anything else the rest of the day. Our neighbor came over and asked if we wanted to go with them in the washes east of us in the Rhino. He has the Artic Cat and his cousin pulled in with his side by side and they were going out. I still had the paddle tires on the Rhino and was too lazy to change them since we'd be driving on rocks and rough terrain. I passed. We might try it next week if I get the tires changed. Running out of some grocery goodies we normally buy at Costco so might make the drive to El Centro tomorrow since that's the closest Costco.

That's it for now. B&W

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