Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Been Resting Up Since Last Excursion............

onto the Bombing Range. We went back and picked Frank up........he said no one arrived at the Beacon!! What's with that? Monday Frank and I took a trip to the Imperial Sand Dunes to see if we could snag a FTF on a new cache. Got that one and another one we hadn't found previously. Suz and Becky spent most of the day at the repair shop getting manicure, pedicured and taking whatevery other "cures" were offered. Make it to Old Folks Day at the casino and Becky managed to come away with a few extra bucks so she sprang for lunch. Tuesday was "do nothing" day for us, guess Suzannah got underway on her six month world cruise. Maybe she'll send a postcard.

The other night another cache popped up in the sand dunes so we went after it today. "Buzzcut39", another cacher named Frank, called and invited us out to breakfast so we took him up on it and then he and I ventured into the sand dunes again for another FTF. Our number 34. We also visited a few other caches in the dunes so Frank could get them logged. Becky wouldn't share her camera and Frank forgot his so no pictures of these last two adventures.

Today is Old Folks Day at the other casino and we're kinda debating whether we want to go or is air conditioned so we'll probably go. The forecast for today was 81 degrees. IT IS NOW 85 DEGREES WITH NO RELIEF FROM THIS HEAT WAVE IN SIGHT!!! Boy those northern folks sure are lucky not to be swealtering in this HOT, HOT, HOT desert!!!

Gotta go look for someplace to "cool down". W&B

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