Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday Evening..............

and we're in for the night........unless a late night cache pops up someplace. Here's some pictures of Becky's FTF this morning. On the way to see Sue and Frank we stopped at another new cache. Met AZsvensk cachers there. They are from Sweden/Arizona. Will be returning to Sweden this summer. Nice Mom and Kid. We went to the Old Folks Day at the Casino, got our free money and I lost mine. Becky won some but won't tell me how much. Get this Gang......FRANK O SPRANG FOR LUNCH!!! Now I know some of you readers out there will find that had to believe; however, it is TRUE. Another one for Ripley, Eh! Anyway, nice lunch and then we went hunting for some caches. One was kinda interesting, it took all of us retrieve it. Frank hauled water from the canal, Becky stopped a hole with her finger, I supervised from the bridge and Sue took pictures. The cache was a waterproof matchbox placed in the tube. The tube had a hole in it so after Becky plugged the hole, Frank filled it with water and the matchbox was supposed to float to the top. Unfortunately it appeared someone had used a stick to try and retrieve it and had dropped the stick in the tube and it managed to wedge the matchbox in. I wiggled it loose and we got the log signed. Then off to the next ones. Fun day and we're going to do it again tomorrow. Later W&B

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