Wednesday, January 16, 2008


and the "Yuma Crud" has been whipping both of us. Becky got some anti-biotics and has been doing a little bit better.......then Sunday I started sinking fast and we haven't been venturing out much or for a very long time when we do. Saw my reumatology doc on Monday and he said "mega doses of vitamin C & D" and I'd feel better the next day. Well started mega doses on Monday, Tuesday not much difference but today actually doing a bit better. Didn't do laundry on our usual Friday so finally got that done today. Naturally new caches show up when we aren't feeling to good but we go after them anyway. Late Sunday night one was published downtown, too far and too cold to go after it then. We stopped on the way to the Doc's office on Monday morning, the Guru was already looking, Buzzcut showed up and none of us could find it. We all finally left and I got a phone call from another friend, he drove down, spent about 5 minutes and found it. Go figure. We got it later (after we were given a clue as to location). Monday night another one is published that's directly East of us a little over a mile away. We get there 25 minutes after it's published to find that we were the second ones to arrive! Last night another one is published about 2 miles away. It's not a drive-by, too far into the desert. We drove as far as we could, walked in and then we see a big truck bouncing our way from another direction. "JJ" was heading our way making his own road. Well we got there first but the Old Desert Rat found it before we did. This was early, about 1900 and then we saw headlights, flashlights and candles approaching. There were at least 14 people who showed up trying to be FTF. Had a nice visit and took a few pictures. "Mommyx4" showed up with her 4 kids and husband. As soon as the kids arrived they shot up the hill with GPSr and flashlights in hand. They made short work of this cache. I'd like to borrow them. Their 2 year hung back with Mom and Dad on this one but he gets in there hunting around when the cache is in a little easier territory. A couple of weeks ago they were looking for one of my caches that had a decoy. I got an email from Mom, they didn't find the cache but when checking out the 2 year old's hiding spots she found that he had taken my decoy. We all had a good chuckle out of that one. This morning about 0900 another one is published about 1 1/2 miles away. We zipped out the door and had the cache in hand at 0915. "JJ" had about 14 miles to drive and he showed up as we were signing the log! At least we got this one before he did so that made our day.

Thats about it, sure hope we're better in time to go to Laughlin. Later W&B

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