Saturday, January 19, 2008

Slow Saturday............

and got a late start this morning. I had a cache to check to see if it was still alive and well and it is. Becky ses, let's go downtown, the Lettuce Festival is going on this weekend. Made the 15 mile drive to Old Town, didn't see too many cars in the parking lots so turned onto Main Street. Lo and Lettuce Festival!! Checked the events books and sure enough, the festival was listed for this weekend. Don't know when it will be held now.....probably next weekend when we'll be in the Laughlin area for four days.

Stopped by Old Colonel Kentuck's for some hot wings and then drove out to see if Suzannah and Frank were home. They were and were about as ambitious as us. None-the-less we managed to spend a couple of hours passing the time and the trip was most productive for Becky. This summer Frank was introduced to wood carving and he brought along some Aspen from Colorado and has been busily engaged in whittling (that's probably the wrong term to use) walking sticks. He made one for Suzannah which is really a work of art! He uses the natural properties of the wood to carve little Bear Faces on the walking sticks. You already know that since you no doubt looked at these pictures before you decided to read this. Becky had made some subtle hints when she saw Suz's know like "I GOTTA HAVE ONE OF THOSE!" She originally wanted one for a "friend" but when Frank presented her with the stick she immediately made an about face and decided that she would find something else for her "bud". What an amazing piece of work! I'm sure Becky will cherish this forever. It's too beautiful to use; but, I'm sure she'll be hauling it to every Geocaching Event we'll ever attend. Check out the pictures..........(I'll be taking orders).

Later, W&B

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