Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Was Kinda A Busy Day...............

Three new caches were published that were in the vicinity of Palo Verde, a little town we visited earlier but had no success with the FTF. Well since they hadn't been found for two days we decided to make the trip again. Filled up the gas tank and then we made the nearly 90 mile run. Becky got the FTF near a bridge and then we drove to Cibola, AZ......nothing more than a wide spot in the road. They had their own version of the Sign Post Forest that you'll find on the road to Alaska. Near the signpost was, what appeared to be an old mine. We made our second FTF near the Cibola Bridge and got our third FTF in the town of Palo Verde. Fortunately all the caches were placed by the same people and were all placed in similar locations. Made it easy for us.

We then started back to Yuma caching and taking pictures on the way. Ran across an old cemetary with a cache titled "Christmas With The Reeds". I thought it was kind of a ghouly cache. We drove up some canyons and washes looking for more. I had to do some climbing and the rocks were pretty slippery in areas; but, nice scenery where ever we went. One of these pictures shows me hoofing it up the side of the hill.....guess those knee injections I've been getting are doing me some good.

Last cache took us up a canyon......really neat area but these damn locals place caches in some hairy places. I'm somewhere in some of these pictures. Made Becky keep her feet on the ground....she'd have to haul me out of there if anything happened.

We finally get home late, late, sun had gone down and we thought we were in for the night. WRONG. I turned on the computer and another cache had been published that was about 25 miles east of us. We debated going for about two minutes and out the door we went. This one had a nice reward for FTF......a $10.00 gift certificate at the little restaurant near where the cache was placed. Now we gotta drive back another 50 miles roundtrip to use it. It'd be cheaper to just place it in a cache for someone else. The last canyon we were in was really interesting, lots of sand stone and many different rock formations. Another benefit of geocaching......we see places that we never knew existed. The last picture shows me at our FTF #26. We had 4 FTFs today. There are still two caches placed way up in the mountains near Yuma that haven't been found yet.....requires a 4x4 to get kinda close to them and then have no idea how much climbing will be involved. Gotta give some thought before, or if, we go after them.

Filled the gas tank up twice today and put about 300 miles on the little Suzuki. I think we'll take it easy tomorrow. Later, if anything interesting comes along. B&W

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