Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday.......And Winter Has Finally Arrived In Yuma........

beautiful day today, sunny and warm.....I even had to turn the air conditioner on today as were motoring and trudging through the countryside. Don't believe me (?).....see the photos and eat your hearts out! We called Suz and Frank today and they thought it would be nicer getting out and about then watching some dumb football games. We drove East for about 40 miles to grab some caches and then slowly worked our way back to Yuma. Only had one cache that required a bit of a climb to reach and Frank scrambled up and had it in hand before the rest of got 3/4 of the way up the hill. Center photo shows the river bed of the Gila River. Doesn't look like it's had any water for a looonnng time. Found a petro glyph on the hillside.......the last time Becky and I was here it got too dark to see anything after we found the cache. Went to the little community of Roll where a cache was planted outside the little bar and grill. "B" and I had previously been the FTF on this cache and had a $10.00 gift certificate that we needed to use. Stopped and had lunch, no complaints from anyone except Becky, she had a Reuben sandwich and complained that they had cut the meat the wrong way........against the grain or with it, I can't remember which. We can't take her any where. Remember when she got us thrown off the Branson Belle in Branson?? She continues to whine and's a wonder that anyone will take her anyplace!

Continued on and found a few more caches on the way home. I'm posting more pics of Frank and Sue so their family will know that they're still alive and kicking. Maybe Sue will get back to posting on her blog some day. I see where she did post a couple of "test photos" so hang in there family.......maybe more to come.

Later, W & B

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