Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wow A New Month Already.................

been too busy (?) to post on Blog.................you can believe that if you want. Actually been doing a little geocaching with Yuma friends, eating out and trying to get ready to fly to Hawaii. Finally made it to Honolulu yesterday and enjoying the rain in Paradise. Louise and Becky took me down to Zippys so I could get my chili fix so I'm good to just kick back for awhile until my next chili run.

It's been raining off and on for a few days I guess and it's even kinda chilly........that's cold, not the kind of chili where I get my fix........ Looks like it's going to be rain on and off today too; but, what the heck, when you're in Paradise the sun comes popping out whenever you need it.

Need to go out and find at least one geocache to drop off a travel bug. Found one big un that will hold a large travel bug that I brought from Yuma and we might drive over to Barber's Point today to get that taken care of. I got surprised yesterday when I turned GPSr on............no detailed map of Oahu..........my old GPSr had CONUS as well as Hawaii. Guess Garmin is just looking to extract more money from us hapless gps users.

Flight from Phoenix uneventful..............got seated next to a scruffy looking older gal who looked like she could have been a Portland Reed College student in her earlier days (she was wearing blue jeans with her knees showing through, long stringy hair and was wearing granny glasses)............well I guess she wasn't that old. Nice though, she offered me her brunch after she took a look at it.........since I was seated way back in the plane the better brunch choices were taken by the time they arrived where we were seated. They served breakfast burritos which were pretty grim looking and she took a look at her's and offered it to me. I declined.............one gourmet burrito per day was enough for me.

Well, that's about it for the past few days. Sun is popping out from behind the clouds so maybe we'll just dash out between rain storms today. W

1 comment:

vossron said...

"a Portland Reed College student in her earlier days (she was wearing blue jeans with her knees showing through, long stringy hair and was wearing granny glasses)"

Yes, the uniform is way too obvious. I had no idea Reed had grown so; these graduates are now everywhere!