Monday, December 14, 2009

More Pics Telegraph Hill ...........

These are pictures Larry took during out Telegraph Hill excursion. Quite a windy road up to the top! It even has some "pucker power".

Today I had appointment with VA doc to renew prescriptions, took Rhino to M/C shop to have turn signals installed and it began running rough again on the way to the shop. I told them to "fix it". They still have it..........hope that isn't a bad sign.

Went to a movie this afternoon with Suz and Frank and B and I stopped at Lutes for our first trip of the season. Big old double cheeseburger for $4.99..............not to bad! Tomorrow we're heading down to the Bombing Range for some caching with Sue and Frank. (Stand by for some pictures kids.........Becky will have her camera operating I'm sure.) All for now. W&b

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