Monday, December 28, 2009

Made It Through Christmas Season............

eating and geocaching. Saturday Larry called as he wanted to go down on the Bombing Range and pick up a geocache that had been published for a few days. I figured "why not", called up tbly (Theresa) and we all went wandering around the desert Saturday afternoon. Most of the caches Larry and I had already found; but, Becky and Theresa added some more to their numbers. Saturday evening we all headed for "Taco Time" least that's what I call it. It's a little open air Mexican restaurant located a few miles south of Yuma in the middle of lemon and orange tree groves. It comes complete with dogs, cats, chickens, kids and some pretty good Mexican food. I didn't take any pictures so you'll have to check Becky's Blog for that. Robert & Char, plus family and friends with whom we had Christmas dinner with all showed up also. We ate and ate some more then sat around a big bon fire outside the main building. I downed a great big burrito and then ate half of Robert's. Temperature were dropping and my old bones were getting chilled so Becky and I only spent a couple of hours there and I had to leave.

I paid the price for the afternoon walking in the desert with leg cramps when we got home. Kept me awake most of the night and I had to cancel on more geocaching Sunday morning. Bummer, cause Robert and I coerced tbly into springing for breakfast so I missed a freebie breakfast!

Sunday we never left home...........I just sat around and dozed through football most of the day.

Got a doctor appointment this morning..........just touching base with a general practitioner so I'll have a doctor to see when we're in Yuma.

Then............don't know what's happening the rest of the day. Will probably have to go get our casino fix later today. I should stay away for awhile since I've walked away a winner the last 3 or 4 days we went gambling. Later. W&B

1 comment:

Judy said...

OK, I need the lat long of this place...sounds like great fun and tasty, too.