Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday through Sunday............

......we went a cachin, late BD lunch for me at the "Q" casino, more cachin, found Santa, toured Christmas Displays, more cachin.

Friday we made a speed run to the bombing range to look for some new caches, Larry stopped by and away we went. A local cacher has a series of Mr. Peanuts caches and he put one out called Mr. Peanut's Log Cabin. He puts a lot of work into his caches and they are always a pleasure to find. Here Becky and Larry find the Cabin and another cache was titled "Tiger's Hubcap". The cache was attached to a Cadillac hubcap. Poor Tiger, no rest for the weary! We toured a street a couple of blocks away and they have well decorated houses on both sides of the street that tell the Night Before Christmas story. Very well done. Saturday Suzannah and Frank stopped by and took me to a belated birthday lunch at the Q Casino. It was a pretty good trip for me...........besides a free lunch I only lost $2.75 on the slot machines! We stopped and picked up a few caches around Old Town and here we found a cache with a toy snake under a rock...........kinda startling. At the same cache we found Santa so give him our wish list for Christmas...........sure hope he doesn't misplace it.

Sunday we met Larry, JJ and Char for breakfast and a little caching. Looked like a good time to get the Rhino out and JJ brought his new Razor. Damn Rhino was sputtering and popping again when we started out and it finally smoothed out and ran better as the day progressed.

There's an area a few miles North of us called Telegraph Hill.........they have a bunch of radio transmitting gear on top of the well as a couple of caches. I think the climb up there is about a 1500 feet rise in way I would even attempt to climb up there........even when the old knees were better. There is a "road" (?) snaking up the side of the mountain with a series of caches on the way. Well, we started finding the caches and made the last find at a large, locked gate in the middle of the road. The gate also had a camera observing the I don't know if it was activated or not; but, it looked impressive. Wanted to get to the top; but, no key for the gate. JJ looked the terrain over and announced that he thought we could go up the wash and then back to the road. All I can say is that Polaris is better than a mountain goat in this terrain! Here's a few pics of the Razor in the wash and then climbing back to the road. Becky and I were following JJ and Larry all day long and couldn't keep up with them. I was running 45 mph over "roads" that were probably best suited for about 15 mph and all I could see was the Razor getting smaller and smaller in the distance! The suspension on that sucker is incredible. I think we added another 25 or 26 caches to our list and that finished our Sunday.

Came home, washed the crud off the Rhino and myself and collapsed.

End of day. W&B

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