Monday, November 23, 2009

We Went A Cachin On Sunday...............

with a group from we go to an area near Buckeye, AZ. The Sun Valley Parkway has been saturated with caches so we thought we could capture over a hundred.

Met up with JJ, Bronco Busters, tbly, Billybe and Roberta, La84fishn, Third Times Charm and myself. Had breakfast at 0600 in Yuma and headed East. Think we arrived at the first cache somewhere around 0900.

From then on it was climb into the car, drive a short distance, climb out of the car, look for cache, climb back in and etc. etc. I feel like we climbed in and out of that car at least 500 times! Some of the caches were easy.........some were difficult. Pictures are of one cache we spent some time looking for; but, we couldn't leave without a find. Rest of the time we were too busy to think about taking pictures.

We finally finished up about 1430 or so and headed back to Yuma. Our total finds for the day: 115 caches. The best day ever. Of course it always helps when you have 18 eyes looking for them.

I came home, ate supper, logged caches and hit the hay about 2200. Didn't wake up until 0830 this morning.

That was our Sunday..........I'm so far ahead of Becky in finds now that she'll never catch up. She's been silently gloating for the past umpteen now it's my turn for awhile! That'll teach her to go to Hawaii.

That's it for now...........I'm still tired. W

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