Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Becky Made It To Hawaii...............

yesterday afternoon, she called about 1500 (AZ time) and then they went eating and shopping for the remainder of the day.

I got back to Yuma about 0930, checked the computer and saw a new cache had been placed about 6 miles away. Out the door I go to find that La84fishn had found it shortly before I arrived. When his Blackberry went off he was only about 1/2 mile from it. After that we both visited some other caches and I finally ended up the day with 6 or 7 finds. That gets me closer to Becky's total..........think I'm about 29 behind her now and her lead will be shortlived as she left her GPS here..........she won't be looking for any in Hawaii.

Tried to stay awake when I got back so I wouldn't mess up my days and nights. Went to dinner with Linda and Jim and we tried to hunt one cache down in the dark with no success. Went to the Two for $13.99 joint so I brought one dinner home with me. Ordered stuff that I could microwave so have a lunch or dinner sitting in the fridge.

Haven't done anything this morning and now it's starting to warm up a bit so I may have to head for the air conditioned spaces at the casino...........haven't been to the new one yet so maybe it's time I made a trip out there.

Later if anything happens. W

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