Monday, December 1, 2008

Yesterday, Last Day of the Month...........

so we bounded out of bed and headed for Ligurta for breakfast. A few new caches popped up last night; but, we figured they would already have been found by the nutsos. Had breakfast and drove out to one of the caches and surprise, hadn't been found yet. Becky got her #45 FTF Fix and then we found a couple more and headed home. Had some major laundry to do after our trip to the sand dunes so we got that done and things put away. I was half-way watching some football and playing on the computer when two more caches were published. They were 8-9 miles East of us so we jumped in the car and went looking. We found we were behind the "B" Team again so made the two finds and came home. I then discovered that 4 caches had been published..........two more in the same area we had just left. We'll just put them on our "to do" list and get them when we can. After it got dark the same guy had 7 more caches published. This makes 50 he's put out in a little over a month and the last one he called "The End". Last night the "B" Team went out with flashlights and found 6 of the 7. No more night hunting for me since our "conversation" with the deputy sheriff.

We've been so busy hunting for other caches that we've only placed four since we got to Yuma. Guess we gotta think about putting some more out. Don't know what's on the menu for today.......just play it by ear I guess. Later. W&B

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