Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another Day of Caching.............

We got up while it was still dark (that sounds early; but, actually I think it was about 0630. A bunch of new caches had been posted last night so "B" and I hoped to capture a FTF or two. Larry and JJ headed toward the Bombing Range to grab my two new caches and we headed for the canal to try and capture a new cache that Larry had placed. Success on both counts. We later met JJ and Larry and completed the morning geocaching together. Larry's cache, second picture, was Pooh, Becky found him before I got out of the car. We met more cachers, the "B" Team in our travels. We got home and some more caches were published so off we go again. The picture of the benchmark and Becky's GPS was her 1,600th cache. She was taking picture of the area while I was logging our find..........we didn't realize until later that this was number 1,600 for her. We didn't even get a picture. I found a cache in the bird's nest......presume the bird no longer was using the nest. Some guy was placing caches in child proof containers..........we couldn't get them open and Larry finally figured it out and showed me how. Becky's new car. Night picture of Becky is on the bombing range.........this was nearly an expensive trip for me as I laid my GPSr on the hood of the Suzy, forgot about it and drove off. Didn't realize it until we got home. Drove back and found it...........unlike JJ I didn't run over it and it's still working. Again, better to be lucky than good. We finished the day with four FTFs and I think we found 13 or 14 today. Tomorow is Geocachers breakfast and we are expecting a good turn out. Hope nothing new comes out tonight or tomorrow as I would just like to kick back for the day and watch a little football. Four straight days in the desert is a little much for me. More later if we do anything worth reporting. W&B

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