Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reached Sunday Evening..............

barely..........A bunch of new caches came last night, a series of eight that required you to find the first one and it in turn led you to the next one, etc. etc. Got together with La84fishn and we started off early in the morning (early for us about 0800). A shaky start as the first cache had a number wrong in the coordinates and after we got it straightened out off we go. After driving over 200 miles, searching through several rock piles, missing lunch, etc. etc. we finally completed the series about 7 1/2 hours after we started. At least we managed 8 FTFs and also picked up another 7 or 8 caches along the way. The caches started near where we live, took us about 35 west to the sand dunes and from there another 53 miles past the Proving Grounds, then back to California and our whole day went like that. Fortunately Larry was driving so we burned up his gas. After the third cache I told "B" and Larry that we should just go over to the cache owner's house and we would find the final cache. Well, the final leg did take us to his house where we enjoyed cookies, conversation and BS'd about our adventure. Fun day, although I've seen enough rock piles for awhile.

Larry put out the little Dino cache and tomorrow we expect to go looking for another dinosaur cache that "JJ" is putting out. Guess they have to outdo each other.......or try to. I'm thinking of looking for a "Barney" and putting out my own dinosaur cache.

We managed a few caches every day since Friday, I saw the VA Clinic and got a prescription refill, we visited both casinos, won at one and donated at the other so guess it all evens out.

Today was a long day, I quit..........gonna watch the tube and hit the hay. W&B

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