Saturday, December 20, 2008

This Old Year Is Rapidly............

coming to its end.......5 more shopping days until Christmas, than you wait two days and find that everything you purchased for Christmas is now about 30-40% cheaper!! I didn't have to remind you did I?

Becky decorated for Christmas...she dug out a bunch of her Christmas themed geocoins and pinned them, and Christmas cards we received, around the M/H.

The wind and rain finally quit; but, we're stuck in the frigid 60s.....none-the-less we started out on Friday to find at least two more geocaches. I needed
two more to reach 1600. We met a couple out in the desert looking for the same one we were searching for.......we were able to drive up to it and they had been hiking up a wash so after the find we gave them a ride back to their car. "Sparky" and "Livewire" were their names. After that we went in search of #1600, which I found in a palm tree. Interesting container. Then a trip to the country near the All American Canal. Another friend had placed this cache before he and his family moved to Sacramento. Maybe we'll run into them again.

After we found a crossing over the canal we went in search of some Bronco Buster caches. They like to stuff them in the hills and out of the way places. Had to drop in 4whl dr numerous times to get to their caches. Soft sand, box canyons, cedar trees and beehives were along the way. After we found the last one we decided to travel West to see if we could find another crossing across the canal. We drove a looong way to find a path under the railroad tracks and a road that finally took us back to the freeway. Didn't think we would ever get out of there! Last find was under a Salt Cedar tree and Becky found it.

This morning we went out for breakfast and on the way home we spotted a cactus that "appeared" to be blooming. That didn't make much sense; but, Becky took a picture of it. Upon close examination it appears that someone had attached poinsetta flowers to it. It sure can fool you though.

Well, gotta get the Suzuki cleaned up for our trip to Laughlin for Christmas. We leave on Tuesday morning for three days and back to Yuma on Friday.

Hope everyone has a terrific holiday season! Wayne & Becky

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