Friday, December 12, 2008

Spent Wednesday and Thursday In the Desert.......

These pictures from Thursday.......there were eleven new caches published Wednesday night and they were all on the Bombing Range. Larry, Becky and I finally got started shortly before 0800. Larry called "JJ" and found that he was already on the range and had already found two of them. We told him we were leaving and would try to catch up with him. We knew we couldn't so looked the map over and found that we could take a different route that led us close to the end of the string of caches. Off we go bouncing over the desert trails as fast as we could go..........which wasn't very fast. We finally reached one of the caches and JJ hadn't arrived yet. We signed for a first to find and then made the mistake or working toward JJ instead of traveling south to grab the last two. He found us and we finished the last two caches together. The middle picture, where JJ is kneeling with the jeep in the background, was a pretty expensive stop for JJ! He laid his near new GPSr on the tire of his jeep. We were standing around shooting the breeze and when we were all go ready to go three of us climbed in the Suzuki and JJ fired up his jeep. He drove about 30 feet, stopped and go out. We couldn't figure out what he was doing; but, he walked over where he had parked and picked up his GPSr. He forgot all about it and ran over it when he drove off. That cache cost him about $309.00! We finished up the remaining caches and JJ headed back to work while we started back up the line to find the remaining caches. We stopped at the old Fortuna Mine, took a few pictures, met a few other cachers who were working down the string while we were going in the opposite direction. We met up with the "B" Team and that cost me $2.00 as I owed BillyBe $2.00 for about a month. Becky finally made one find on the caches..........she was busy taking pictures as usual but made the grab on one of them.

The recent rain really perked up the desert and the Ocotillo were blooming like crazy. They really looked nice in the desert. Actually, this part of the desert is practically untouched by human hands, there's no dumping and everything is quite beautiful. Becky even found a camo rock and took pics of it. Some of these pictures are from Wednesday when we were planting my caches. No, I'm not putting something in the middle of the cactus for someone to find, although it is a good idea. I think I was gently poking some of the cactus blooms. The next to last picture shows where I planted my "Barney Christmas Cache".........enlarge the photo and perhaps you can see me in the middle. To bad I didn't have my caching Bud, Frank, with us. He would have taken the cache all the way to the top of the hill. This area is near the place where he hauled my "110 Degree" cache in March of this year.
It was a nice two days in the desert. My caches got published this evening and Larry and JJ went out into the desert at night and found them. Hell, I'm not that crazy!
We'll see what the weekend brings........our 2nd Geocacher Breakfast is on Sunday and we have about 40 people who said they would attend.
More later. W&B

1 comment:


To Mr. Wayne

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Naval Langa