Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday After Thanksgiving...........

A couple of pics of the sand dunes on our way back to Yuma. We stopped at Krazy Kevens to see if he had any new sweatshirts; but, didn't buy any this trip. The WA folks getting ready to leave and loading up. We got loaded up a little quicker than they did and we left with about two cups of water left in the water tank. Becky drove the Suzuki back and stopped at the barber shop for another haircut while I came on back and set up the M/H. She's going to keep looking until she finds someone who will cut her hair to her liking................will be a while though 'cause there's not much left. Any shorter and we'll both be able to go to Phoenix and pick up some women.
Around midnight the troops made it to Corning and they stopped at the house for a motel stop and headed on to Portland early this morning. At least they got some rest and will be be able to drive over the Siskyous in the daylight. They should be home this afternoon sometime.
I don't think they'll do the "tent scene" again if they come back to Glamis. The Glamis Store, the one who was selling Spam for $6.00, was charging $10.00 for a shower!! I imagine the sand dunes start to get pretty ripe by the end of the long weekend.
Becky is out streetwalking the neighborhood again so I'll drag out some more stuff from the M/H cubby holes and get set up for the rest of the winter. Kinda of a pain in the neck to haul stuff in and out. Believe we might go down to the Mall later to see if there are any bargins left over from Black Friday.
Later, W&B

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