Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday And We Got To Glamis.............

California........home of the world famous Imperial Sand Dunes..........where off-road crazies migrate to during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Sand dunes are nice, wish I would have brought my Rhino......of course I knew that when I left it in Washington. Doug, Cassidy and John arrived here this morning. They must have driven all night from Portland to get here that early. They are tenting it so Becky and I told them we'd drive up for a few days to join them. They brought two Rhinos with them and have already been out in the dunes. I may drive the Suzuki out there tomorrow and look for some geocaches that aren't planted waaayyyy back in the sand dunes or else ride with John. Cassidy is all wild eyed, the first time she's ever seen this type of desert country.

We got here about 1300 and set up my MTV and Becky's internet so we're pretty much set for the next 4 days. Think we head back to Yuma on Friday; or, about when our water runs out. Tonight we fed the troops some rib eye steaks & baked potatoes. That was their Thanksgiving Day dinner; but, they don't know it yet.

Here's a couple of pictures I took from the door of the M/H. The Thanksgiving crowds haven't arrived yet but imagine they will in the next day or so. There are a bunch of vender tents with people selling the usual junk at outrageous prices. I imagine we'll have to get some sweatshirts with the 2008 logo.

Probably more pictures tomorrow if it doesn't start raining. Hasn't rained here for months and now we have a forecast of 20 - 30% chance of rain. Maybe it'll be enough to settle the dust.

More later. B & W

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