Sunday, November 16, 2008

Woke Up This Morning To...............

find that 14 new caches had been published last night. We were running really late so figured that there were crazies already out after them. Twelve were stashed 16-18 miles away so we decided to get them at a later date. Another one was down by the river where illegals and drugs cross the river so we crossed that one off our list too. Well we had one on our list that was only 3 miles away that we wanted to find so went after that one. Unfortunately, it entailed a climb up the hillside on slippery rocks. I crept up there, found the cache and slid back down the hill while "B" occupied herself by taking pictures.
The next one was a new one and it had been published more than 12 hours ago so we figured the FTF would be long gone by the time we got there. We found ourselves looking for a "micro" capsule stashed in a bunch of salt cedar trees. Needles are laying all over the ground about 2 feet deep and we're supposed to find this sucker? We looked, and looked some more. I tried to call the owner of the cache and he wasn't answering his phone. We were getting ready to quit when another friend drives up and joins in the hunt. He sets his GPSr in the bough of some branches so it would settle down............I had placed mine in the same place earlier and then moved it. All of our equipment ses the cache is within 2 feet of where we were looking. Yeah, right.........under a bunch of cedar needles!
Another friend shows up and joins in the hunt. We are all about ready to give it up when Becky yells, I got it. Sure enough she had found it. The cache owners had drilled about a 1/2 inch hole in the bough of the branches where we had both laid our GPSrs down and covered it with cedar needles. Apparently we had brushed enough needles away that a piece of the green capsule was exposed and old Eagle Eye spotted it. Becky and La84fishn fought over the log but Becky won and signed the log for our 43rd FTF. We had spent well over an hour there and all of us were glad to get this one off our list. We drove back down the road where Third Times Charm had failed to find one and this time he walked right to it. Unfortunately "JJ" had found it while we were all searching in the cedar needles.
That was enough for us...........we had spent nearly 3 hours capturing three caches so we headed home for the rest of the afternoon. Becky took another hike while I watched the Seahawks get smushed by the Cardinals.
End of day. More later if anything happens. W&B

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