Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here's some pics of my Flash Mob Event. The event was scheduled to last 15 minutes. This is a group photo of attendees and another picture of the area 10 minutes later.

More Flash Mob pictures........we used the time to meet fellow cachers, sign the log book, have dinner (left over Halloween candy), take a group photo, hold a drawing for a five coin give away and disperse. Event started at 1600 and was over and people gone by 1615. Most had never attended a Flash Mob Event and I got some more ideas for another one from this learning experience. I think the attendees enjoyed something different. We then proceed down the street to JJ's Welcome Back Event to kick off the Yuma Geocaching winter.

Sunday morning we did some geocaching. We met JJ and Char for breakfast at the little hole in the wall place and I got my biscuit and gravy fix again. I'll include it on my list of places for breakfast. The first cache was stuck into a little bitty hole and we had a problem removing handy dandy Leatherman took care of the problem and then we were off to the same area that scared the little Suzuki the other day. JJ looked at the first hill, steep with loose gravel and wasn't sure he could make it. He did so we followed and I scraped the bottom of the Suzuki numerous times getting back to the caches. JJ had to make the same climb I did the other day and we all stood at the bottom to pick him up if necessary. On down the road, some more rocks and some easy caches mixed in with some nasty ones. The old tractor was interesting, you had to spin the wheels to expose the cache. The last one was found by Becky, it was attached to a broken piece of tile and nearly buried under all the debris.

So ends the day.........gotta go apply some ice to my poor knee. W&B

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