Monday, January 24, 2011

Still Warm.........Almost HOT today..........

but fortunately a gentle breeze kept the brutal temperatures tolerable.

Went out a caching on Sunday after breakfast at the Landing...........Becky opted not to go up into the mountains; but, you couldn't stop her from attending breakfast. If it wasn't enough that I had to spring for breakfast; but, when I got home I found that she and Char had cooked up a plan for JJ and I to take them to the Outback for dinner! Here I am, tired, battered and bruised and I gotta go out for a steak dinner. No rest for the weary.

We went up into the mountains on the California side...........haven't been into this area for a couple of years and some of the places we went I've never been before. Was an interesting and bit rough on some of the trails. Left the Rhino at home and took the Jeep so Frank and Larry rode with me and JJ and tbly hit the trail in JJ's RZR. They took off in a cloud of dust and there was no way we could keep up with the time we reached most of the caches they already had it in hand when we arrived. So went our day.........if it wasn't for the dust cloud we would have had no idea where they were.

Here's a few pics of the area we were in. This old abandoned motorcycle will probably have its picture taken many, many times by cachers. Who'd ever thunk you'd find a "lake" up here in the hills.........we rounded a corner and there it was! The road in the last picture run up and over the mountain; but, it was too rough and washed out in areas for the Jeep to make it, so, tbly and JJ went up the road and checked on one of JJ's caches. "Great view" tbly ses. Maybe another time with the Rhino.

Becky just reminded me that we haven't found a cache today!! Been busy getting ready to go to Ocotillo Wells so completely forgot about it. Gotta post this and find a cache before the sun goes down. Later. W&B

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